berry pavlova

We hosted friends for dinner Saturday and I knew I wanted to try a new dessert.  We have some pretty great go-to's when we need to buy desserts but there's nothing quite like having something home made to impress your guests.The extra time from Friday's holiday was just the motivation I needed. I've had this recipe peeking out of my recipe book for a while, and I thought it would be perfectly fresh and light for the start of spring.  I made the meringue the night before and kept it in the fridge overnight, which simplified my to-do's for the day of. The cream was rich and fluffy, and the marscapone and berry reduction heightened the flavors profiles. There was four of us, and we had to use every inch of will power to restrain ourselves from eating the entire pavlova. I worked off this recipe, referencing a second version for comparison. (Also, if you have gluten free friends to accommodate, they can eat this) I have zero doubts that this summer is going to be filled with a lot of pavlovas!


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