best restaurants

Anyone who knows me well is aware of my love of food. I love cooking and trying new restaurants and really anything foodie related. We subscribe to Toronto Life, and they always send out an annual Best Restaurants guide. I go through the guide checking off the spots we've tried and highlighting the places I want to check out. Toronto has some amazing restaurants and I think I've been to about 30% of the suggestions in this guide, which feels like an accomplishment, but also means there's so many more meals that need to be eaten! They also include a star rating system and a budget guide (tip: If the restaurant has 3 or more $ signs, it should have the same stars to match!)

Here are some of the restaurants on the top of my "I've gotta eat there" list!:

The Commodore (to have a cocktail and soak up east coast vibes)

Patois (to order the entire menu with three friends (yes, it's a thing you can do there))

Figo (simply to enjoy the beautiful space, apparently the pizza is really tasty too!)

Here are some recent spots that I've checked out, which were worth going back:

Bosk (winterlicious menu was delicious and affordable + great service)

Buca Yorkville (call ahead for the chef's tasting menu, a memorable experience)

Home of the Brave (forget the guilt, order extravagant ice cream)


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