mission accomplished

Yesterday, I checked a personal accomplishment off my bucket list - I ran a 10km run! I've been plagued with a knee injury since high school and running has never been my thing. My knee started acting up last summer and it forced me to search out a new physio. I've found a great clinic with therapists who have helped me tremendously which has allowed me to start running. D and I have spent the last few months training on loops through High Park and jogs by the lake. A friend mentioned she had signed up for the Mercedes Benz 10km run in Oakville, which winds through the beautiful neighbourhoods and along the lake and I knew it was a great goal to work towards. My fitbit helped keep me motivated and it was so much fun to feel myself progressing and building endurance. My goal was to finish in under an hour and my official race time was 58:31. It was an amazing and fulfilling experience and I'd love to sign up for another run later in the summer!


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