hello monday

{ wild blueberry pancakes + bacon }

We had quite the weekend, the type that my body would not be able to handle on repeat, but that is super fun every once in a while. To kick things off on Friday, we had dinner on the veranda overlooking the city at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, an annual tradition with some university friends. 
Then on Saturday D and I went to the baseball game - we had a bit of a bike lock crisis, but arrived in time to watch the Jays mega comeback. We had an impromptu date at 416 Snack Bar then met up with friends at the CNE. We got ride passes and there was some serious giggling going on.. :)
On Sunday I shopped for some wedding decor then D and I met up with my parents. We were meant to go check out a wedding band, but after a scheduling error, we ended up at Bellwoods Brewery.

The CNE is always an indication that summer is winding down, but luckily we have a busy September with lots to look forward to! 

{ dressed in white for dinner RCYC }

{ sights at the CNE }

{ Misfits pilates studio, my favorite place to be on Tuesday & Wednesday evenings }

{ Pan-Asian food last week at Miss Things, the corn fritters were delicious! }


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