happy weekend

{ a beautiful birthday gift sent from my sister in Australia }

The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of travel and celebrations. My birthday fell on the Tuesday after our NYC weekend and I was lucky enough to celebrate with a group of great friends over tacos and margaritas at Cafeteria. I was spoiled rotten and was reminded of how birthdays are such a special acknowledgement of how loved I am.

We went up to our friends new cabin on Lake Joseph in Muskoka this past weekend and swam tons and caught up around the campfire. I also ate my weight in roasted marshmallows...
We had a wedding appointment with a terrific florist this week (who I'm really hoping we get to work with), I went to a Blue Jays game with my co-workers and we caught up with a cousin who was visiting from San Francisco.
This weekend we're off to Algonquin Park tonight to spend time with friends visiting from Vancouver! I don't mean to share my life story, but hopefully reminiscing of recent days helps you understand why this little blog has been suffering lately. 

We've made some exciting wedding progress which I can't wait to share next week!
Whatever you're up to this weekend, enjoy yourself! This September weather is so enjoyable compared to the sweaty, sticky heat of August. xx

{ birthday gang at Cafeteria } 
(the restaurant didn't have air-con and I think all of us left 5 pounds lighter from sweating so much) 

{ a sassy clutch that I picked up in cottage country, of all places }

{ the sunniest day the skydome, which totally warranted ice cream }


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