weekend in wellington

We just got home from our second annual Halloween weekend with Acadia friends in Wellington. We rode bikes around to local Prince Edward County vineyards, feasted on some wonderful meals and danced the night away at the Hayloft Dancehall. We won the costume prize last year with our shark week costume, and attempted to reclaim our title this year with our taxidermy costume (unfortunately I didn't get a great photo of the final look). We lost to a group of girls who dressed up as Cats from the broadway musical, who were very deserved of the title. 

It was nice to get away and spend time with great friends. The brainstorming has already begun for next years costume!

{ Wellington has the most beautiful homes and B&B's }

{ tasted lots of wine at my favorite, Norman Hardie }

{ we brought home a few bottles to enjoy over the winter too! }

{ we had brunch at the local Courage Cafe }

{ turns out rubber masks are very hot and don't have great visibility, 
but we had some good laughs dancing around in them! }


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