wedding update

{ picking up my dress from Sash & Bustle } We're less then 8 weeks out until our wedding day!!! I can't believe how fast it's sneaking up on us! It's bananas to think how quickly our engagement has flown by. I have so enjoyed being engaged, I can only hope being married is even half as sweet! With February 25th fast approaching, we're down to the details and trying to make sure everything is lined up ahead of the wedding (as best we're able...). There comes a point in planning, where you realize that the final day and design outcome lies in the hands of your vendors and you really just have to hope that things turn out as close to perfect as you've envisioned! Luck for us, we've put together a fabulous team and I have zero doubt they will pull everything off without a hitch! + + + + + Most recent updates... Welcome Gifts : We're making welcome gifts for all of the hotel guests. The kids will be handed small backpacks filled with treats and games...