highlights + what's to come

I've been noticing lately that the internet seems to have an overwhelming opinion that 2016 was a crappy year... Welp, not for me - I simply cannot relate!... 2016 was certainly one for the books, and I wanted to share some highlights and photos from the past year as well as a few things I'm looking forward to in 2017!

:: Highlights from 2016 ::
- (obviously) getting engaged and all the fun celebrations!
- wine tasting in Kelowna
- running my first 10km race
- celebrating a bachelorette in Vegas 
- learning to surf in Costa Rica (bucketlist, check!)
- seeing the Lumineers live at an outdoor concert 
- beginning to (genuinely) love pilates
- trying the 14 course tasting menu at Buca Yorkville

:: Looking forward to in 2017 ::
- getting married!!! (I cannot wait to see D's face when he sees me in my dress)
- figuring out a new exercise routine (ClassPass is changing things up in March)
- lounging on the beach in Barbados with a husband (!)
- meeting a friends baby who is due in the summer
- trying new recipes at home with D
- eating poke in Hawaii (we're going in November!)






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