whole 30: work week update

We've made it through the first work week of Whole 30! Thankfully, it wasn't as tough as I was expecting. I didn't suffer much from withdrawals and I had overall good energy levels throughout the week. 

We started our days with a big breakfast feast - a variety of eggs, a fruit salad. and a cup of coffee. 
For lunch we packed big salads with lots of veggies, avocado, prosciutto and a hardboiled egg. 
My favourite snack this week was apple with almond butter. We also found dried fruit (without sulphates!) at a local health food store.
Our schedules pulled us in different directions this week, but we managed to cook some delicious dinners too. We had guests over on Tuesday and served marinated flank steak with cilantro sauce and ginger lime grilled shrimp, which was a big hit. And we made turkey bolognese with spaghetti squash that will definitely be a new go-to comfort food recipe. 

It's Friday night and I'd be lying if I didn't admit I'd love a glass of wine. But five days in, I'm invested in seeing this through!

One of the goals of the program is to break bad habits - a few of mine would be frequent consumption of alcohol and sweets! I'm missing dessert but know the cravings will get easier as I go. I did make a Whole 30 compliant treat tonight for the sunny June days ahead - mango and coconut milk popsicles will be sure to cool us down and will be consciously consumed and enjoyed.


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