it's been a while...

Admission:: Life got in the way and this little blog was majorly rejected! The blog has always been a passion project and a space for creative expression and I've definitely missed it over the past few months... That being said, when life gets busy I do my best to enjoy the present, knowing that I'm always able to come back to the blog. But with fall fast approaching and a big life milestone (that is so blog worthy) I'm going to do my best to jump back into regular posts!

Here's whats been going on lately...

:: I've been married for over six months now! I totally missed the mini-milestone and only remembered when someone recently reminded me. We're loving married life and each day feels happier then the last

:: We spent a wonderful long weekend in Whistler in July. My younger sister did the Ironman 70.3, so we went out to visit and cheer her on. The weather was amazing (sun-shiny summer days) and we had so much fun chasing her around the course, cheering like maniacs!

:: My sister recently got engaged! Her boyfriend proposed while camping out in British Columbia and I'm over the moon excited for them. Being engaged was the absolute best and it's nearly impossible not to share that excitement once you've experienced it!

:: D and I bought a house! After house hunting for a while and walking through 40+ open houses, we knew right away that we had found a gem. We acted quickly and the house was ours 15 hours after seeing it for the first time. This will be our second week in the new place and we're busy getting settled and having so much fun decorating the new space. I feel so lucky to have ended up in such a beautiful home. (This was the blog-worthy news.. I can't wait to share photos of how we've transformed the space into our own!)

We have a busy few months ahead of us...

:: I'm turning 29 tomorrow! Lucky for me, Counting Crows + Matchbox 20 are playing at an outdoor venue, so I've rallied a bunch of friends to help me celebrate

:: We're returning to B.C in a couple of weeks to celebrate D's grandmonthers 90th birthday. We extended the trip so that we can catch up with my sister and friends too

:: We have two big trips coming up, and while they're a while off, I'm finding it impossible to not already get excited. We're going to Hawaii with D's parents in November and celebrating our one year anniversary in California (San Francisco, Napa and Lake Tahoe) in February. It's so fun having travel plans to look forward to!


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