whole 30: round 2

Today marks Day 15 of Whole 30, Round 2 - we're half way through our second time following the eating program. You might remember we did Whole 30 in June and it left us feeling great (leaner and no bloating), reinvigorated our love of cooking together and we both lost quite a bit of weight (double digits). We're off to Hawaii in less then a month, and figured it would be a great way to reset after weeks of celebrating in the new home, and leave us feeling a bit more confident in our beach bods. 

{ curried sweet potato soup with coconut milk }

It's been a different experience starting the program for a second time - we're more familiar with the rules of what we can and cannot eat, so we've been able to get a bit more creative with our cooking.
We also are aware of the preparation and grocery shopping that is required to help us succeed. Little tricks like boiling ten eggs and cutting up a cantaloupe on Sunday nights, makes weekday mornings easier and leaves us with convenient, satisfying foods throughout the week.

{ seared tuna salad }

In a typical month, we might order in a couple of times and eat out for a date night or with friends 2-3 times. Eating out is something we enjoy doing together, so cooking and eating at home for 30 days straight gets a little tedious - also... the amount of dishes you create is insane!! That being said, we've figured out a couple of ways to enjoy getting out of the house, we went for a movie date night and had Five Guys burgers in lettuce buns (their burgers are 100% beef with no preservatives) and this past weekend, I met up with girlfriends at Carmen, I checked the menu ahead of time and picked out the items I'd be able to eat (I had ceviche and grilled shrimp).

I've halfheartedly tried some other diets/cleanses in the past and have never been able to stick to it. However, Whole30 seems to be the exception. We have the guide book and the cookbook, and if you're planning on trying the program, I would suggest getting at least one. There's so much information and some great tips for basic must-haves (like home made mayo, and we love the chicken wing recipe!).

Worst cravings: Halloween candy (ugh, worst timing), cappuccino (I'm looking forward to a hot, creamy coffee) and a glass of wine (duh).

Favorite Snacks: apple with almond butter, organic pepperette sticks, coconut chia pudding

Tastiest Meals: buffalo chicken wings, roasted spaghetti squash with veal bolognese 

Only 15 more days to go! (and let's get real - I'm very much looking forward to enjoying a cold beer on the beach in Maui!)


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