gilmour avenue :: third floor

The third floor of the house has two guest rooms and a powder room and is currently reserved for guests at Hotel Gray :) It's awesome having extra bedrooms and we've loved being able to host friends and family. 
 Without a doubt, the third floor under went the biggest transformation. I really wanted to have fun with these spaces and I'm so happy with how the designs came to life. We debated investing in the spaces at first, simply because they weren't going to be used a lot but we didn't have much work to do elsewhere in the house and so we went for it. 

I had my heart set on shiplap for one of the rooms. It was the more expensive of the upgrades and was a lot of work (thanks Mom!) but it is such a unique finish for the space. The room is painted a medium grey and feels so cozy and intimate.
 I decorated mostly with things we already had at our old place - the bedding from our bed, old side tables (we scored at a church sale for $25) and the cow skull that hung over our TV.

 The Moroccan wedding blanket was a wedding gift from a group of friends. 
It was such a thoughtful present and little did they know, I had always wanted one! 

We replaced the ceiling light fixture, got new reading lights and recently installed the blind so guests can sleep past 6am.

The powder room is undoubtedly the sassiest room in the house. Drew gave me creative freedom in the space and I really went for it. (I still can't explain why I chose papaya for the walls.) I had originally intended on using the dot decals for the guest room with the wainscoting but it was more cost effective to use them in the smaller space. 

The black and white accents play off the bright walls so well. 
I love seeing everyone's reaction when they see the space for the first time.

We added wainscoting in the second bedroom and while I had intended on painting the upper drywall, we ended up liking the way the space looked all white. We had white bedding already and added accents with black, white and green. 

I always want friends and family to feel welcome in our home, so we try to make it feel like a hotel. It's all in the details.

As you'll see in the floor plan, we have some great added storage in the guest rooms. The access panels are hidden in the shiplap and wainscoting. 

+ + + + + 

Here's what it looked like before... 
The bathroom wasn't photographed, but it was just plain white.


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